Guitar Lessons

Give it a shot and sign up.

Remember... you'll have someone who's been where you're at now and who can get you to the next level.

All options are for a monthly subscription to one on one in person lessons or on the web.

Simply click on the PayPal subscribe button at the bottom of the page and click on both the questionnaire button and contract button, and fill out both forms.

Option 1 $120.00 for 30 minute lessons (4 lessons)

Option 2 $170.00 for 45 minute lessons (4 lessons)

Option 3 $220.00 for 60 minute lessons (4 lessons)

Option 4 $300.00 for 90 minute lessons (4 lessons)


Complete the PayPal transaction for option 1, 2, 3 or 4 to view our Don't Give Up Guitar lessons.

Note: If wanting a one time only one hour lesson for $65, please click on the questionnaire button and fill out the message box and the form to it's entirety, specifying you want a one time only one hour lesson. We will get back to you within 1-2 business days with your individual invoice for this service.

Payment Options
Questionnaire Agreement
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